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Like A (crazy)Bat(lady) Out Of Hell

  So, I'm two games into the Ten In A Row challenge with Nephilim. I'd had a couple of intro games with her before we started the challenge proper, one with each version of the character, and had a whole bunch of fun with both. I paired up Nekima1 with Kastore2 for an all-out murder squad versus Bad Fish's Brewie Crewie and had a whale of a time, with Kastore using Visceral Rampage to plonk Nekima, unactivated, on the halfway line in the middle of Turn 1. It's a place she likes to be. Bad Fish was less enthusiastic. The other pre-challenge game was on episode 42 of Beard's Friday Night Faux series over on YouTube, during which he deployed possibly the least resistible kidnap in the game (Reva with her Pyre marker shenanigans) on Nekima2 towards the end of Turn 1. I got a somewhat flailing activation out of her at the top of Turn 2, but then she became a Lampad. Beard does love Lampad. So I didn't really get a good chance to see what Nekima2's factory could l

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