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When a new release makes an old one sing

Hey folks, Azahul here. I've got some thoughts on a pretty big blog post sometime in the future (when I find the time), but for today I wanted to share a short little post about something that has been making me happy this past month or so. I've been playing in a local league lately, and have used it as an excuse to repaint one of my more neglected Malifaux crews. Specifically, I decided to use the league to force myself to touch up my Tormented crew and finally get their Ashes models, Kari Zotiko and the Ferryman, assembled and painted. I'd been neglecting them mostly as I'm an Outcast player and they can't be fielded elsewhere in my faction, and in part because I don't really get Jack Daw on the table terribly frequently even though I do tend to enjoy him when I do. It hasn't been a great Gaining Grounds for him and that, combined with the models not being my best work, led to a long time passing between me buying the new models and actually getting them t...

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