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My experience with the Malifaux World series: A journey (Part2- Round 1: FIGHT!)

  Even though I started writing part 1 of this journey (found here ) 2 hours before pairings were up, by the time I finished, edited and uploaded it, I was ready for my lunch break. It was when I came off lunch that I saw the pairings were up and ready to go. My opponent’s online handle is Nikotopola and he is (according to longshanks) in Poland, where it was currently (checks clock) 4:15am. All that waiting, all that buildup and now I was just as wired as before except now instead of waiting breathlessly for the MWS committee to hit the “go” button, I was waiting for my opponent to awaken, perform morning ablutions and respond to my DM. To make matters worse, my friend Phil had already started his game, and I was seething with jealousy. Waiting indeed You’ll notice that most of what I’ve written thus far has been written in the past tense despite the fact that I’m writing this in real time. Thi...

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