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The Houston GT: A Recap by an (exceptionally) invasive Aussie

I did it ma! I'm an invasive species! Ahem. Let me rewind a little. As those who follow this blog would know, I attended the New Zealand Nationals back in August. And in the aftermath of that event, feeling fired up and a bit trigger happy, I was listening to an episode of the Rage Quit Wire podcast that mentioned the biggest event in North America was coming up. I'd heard of the Houston GT in years past, and been really jealous of some of the cool loot attendees scored (particularly last year's custom fate deck), so one lunch break I idly checked to see how expensive the flights were to Houston that time of year and the results were unexpectedly affordable. I didn't end up getting those flights, which was a mistake since they turned out to be a better sale than the one I actually bought, but it did plant the idea and before long I had my tickets booked and was shipping out with my Outcast collection in tow. After battling my way across several connections and doing my

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