Why I'm excited for the new Akaname in Tri-Chi

Hello there, Beard here.

So obviously there has been a big shake up in the world of Oni & Ten Thunders and if you haven't already done so go and listen to Pete, Dixon and Landon over at the Rage Quit Wire have some spicy hot takes regarding the changes here.

Meanwhile I want to talk about the impacts of the Akaname in Tri-Chi and how they help fuel your poison engine for a measly 4ss.  Now many models in Tri-Chi make use of poison as a resource to fuel abilities, this we know.  In Brewmaster 2 you can fuel this well and gain some mobility with the Another Round shockwave.  This does however come at the expense of Master AP and also if you're playing Brewmaster 1, you straight up just don't have this option. 

Enter the new and improved filthmongers, the Akaname!

Foul Gift is exactly that, a gift. Combined with Horrific Odour (it has a U America!) this is going to let you get a lot of poison out very quickly and without significant hand pressure on yourself. Allow me to demonstrate.

Here is, what is for me, a pretty standard core of my Tri-Chi Crews with the addition of an Akaname: Fingers Leong, 2 Fermented River Monks, 2 Whiskey Gamin.  Deployed loosely around the Akaname.

Also, as is traditional, here is my terrible opening hand which I am not going to stone or mulligan for the sake of this blog because that won't help us long term and it actually has everything I want remarkably.

First Activation, lets get that Akaname engine up and running and start flinging shockwaves around, not directly under neath the filthy boy, but 1mm off set so he is hit as well. I will absolutely take the scrap marker from the trigger too which I am going to place directly underneath him.  Foul Gift hits everyone in the shockwave and everybody relents the simple duel. 12 Poison out already.  Lets do it again!

Second verse, same as the first. Still hitting that very easy TN and now that's 24 poison distributed amongst my crew.  The Akaname will now eat the scrap marker needing a 4 (I flip a 9) and in excahnge for eating the marker he gains another 3 Poison.  At the end of his activation he may fart out more poison to any models within a 2" pulse. 

So at the end of a 4ss models activation our little deployment group looks like this:

32 Poison handed out, the Fermented River Monks are well setup for some damage reduction with Too Drunk to Care, the Whiskey Gamin are well setup for Driving While A Drink.

But what else could we do now? Let us go with Fingers, who will offer the Akaname a drink giving him 2 poison and using the built in Small Favour (sic) trigger forcing him to take an action.  Time to use Foul Gift again. 

Again hitting those TNs and again everyone is relenting. So far we are at 44 poison handed out for only 3ap spent. We are having simply a lovely time. 

At this point there's two options. Either Fingers could punch the Akaname again offer the Akaname a drink again, or he could draw some cards.  Let's do the latter, but first we should make his amount of poison even by using his fast action, Trusty Flask. 

Shower of Booze trigger? Don't mind if I do! I'd prefer not to have seen stupid sexy Jack Daw at this point but I will take it! Fingers heals for 1 ( I flipped a 3), and hands out more poison to the crew from an admittedily lucky trigger, but I do have the 7 of Crows in hand to cheat it. With his final AP, time for Toast. This gives every model within 6" of Fingers another Poison (making the running total 55 poison handed out from 4ap!) and he will then reduce all the Poison on him to draw X/2 cards where X equals the number of Poison he elects to reduce. 

So in this case, 8 Poison = 4 Cards. I am not mad about this card draw at all. Couple of low cards out of my deck, couple of high cards into my hands. 

Two activations into my first turn and I have nicely setup some useful minions with the resources they need for the rest of the game, I have filtered some bad cards from my deck and my hand and I have a much better control hand for the rest of the turn. 

My Monks will be able to reduce damage by 9, my Gamin are going to have a whopping 21" movement on turn 1 and all thanks to the introduction of a reworked 4ss minion and 4ap from my crew.

I'll drink to that. 




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