The logic of leaning

So, Guild it is then.

Good ol' Guild.

Guildy Guildy Guild Guild Guild.


So where to start? What am I leaning towards? (See! now the title makes sense)

Of the seven Guild masters I am immediately going to discount the following:

Duel faction 

Douglas McMourning (Did you know he was Miranda's Uncle? No neither did I)
Lucas McCabe

The reasoning behind this is I have a distinct memory of Wyrd stating that the Master they will release will not be a duel faction Master. So I can immediately discount these right?
For those keep tracking at home, this is opportunity number ONE for me to be hilariously wrong and for this to massively bite me in the ass. Keep your eyes peeled for more, see if you can collect the whole set!

Existing Nightmares

This will not be Wyrds first time producing Nightmare editions for Guild.
They've previously, admittedly in 1st edition, released a Nightmare edition of Lady Justice. I am therefore going to discount Lady Justice from my list of masters to learn. Yup, you've guessed it: opportunity TWO.

This last one is a bit of a gamble, in the form of Perdita. Perdita does not have a Nightmare edition. She does however have, not including Avatars, by my count a total of 4 models available to use. Plastic, alt plastic, metal, alt metal. That's enough surely? Now a good friend of mine makes the extremely valid argument that every model in the Perdita box is a named, character model. This in turn presents great scope for Wyrd to create some really interesting models which would be very cool and also largely the point of Nightmare editions.  However, I'm going to stick to my guns, and discount Perdita for two principle reason. 1) The aforementioned reasonable posit that she already has enough alternative sculpts and 2) because F*#%
Perdita. Well spotted, opportunity THREE.

And then there were Two

So by a simple process of elimination, this leaves two Masters: Sonnia Criid and Charles Hoffman.  Oddly it did occur to me that Guild, as the "American" faction as they are so often viewed, have 3 "UK" Masters. I'm almost a little disappointed I'm only left with one of them.

Hoffman, I'm very happy with. His support and force multiplier style is a good match to what I enjoy in all miniatures games. I have a fully painted crew for the Hoff, as well as all of the available models from The Arcanists that he likes to bring in. It will of course make me exceedingly vulnerable to the usual anti armour and critically anti construct lists that are prevalent. Seriously, is anything easier to counter than constructs?  Lastly with the imminent release of both Soulstone Miners and also the Brutal Emmisary I believe there is a nice trove of tricks (hmm pleasing alliteration) to be mined from the Hoff and his crew. Plus I have to say the Schemes and Stones Podcast with Panzer on Hoffman is one of the best currently released. Always good to have resources.

Sonnia on the other hand will be a very different kettle of fish. The incredibly aggressive, blaster style is completely unfamiliar to me. So much so I am very much looking forward to getting her on the table for the challenge and having my usual very defensive playstyle utterly changed. I don't have a fully painted Sonnia crew, I do own a few pieces but nothing substantial. I'm familiar with the usual Papa Box tricks and own some fully painted Death Marshals (from my unsuccessful "I'm going to make Tara work!" phase) and again with the imminent release of The Brutal Emissary there are more tricks to be had. Sadly the Sonnia Podcasts are less useful as resources.

In many ways I hope it is Sonnia that is released as the Nightmare, just to make the novelty of this challenge complete.

Let the wild speculation begin!


  1. I am enjoying your wrongness due to the duel factions ;)

    2nd question - which other master did McMourning study under at university?


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