The Road to Perdita

or Double Austringer
or Guildy by Association
or Starting Guild By Mistake

This blog could've been called any one of these but in the end, I settled on Brutal Efficacy, with a little help from Twitter and Facebook voters.

In short I made a bet. In hindsight perhaps foolish bet, but the important part is simply that it was made, measured and kept to. The terms of the bet are immaterial and with whom equally irrelevant. What is important was the outcome.

"Whichever faction wins the Kythera event, and gets a nightmare box for Gencon 2016, I will play that faction and Master at the U.K. Malifaux 2016 Nationals"

Innocent words aren't they? But I was today reminded of this bet, and so here I am five months away from the Nationals without a clue of who I shall be playing or even a passing knowledge of the faction they belong to.

This blog is therefore intended as a record of my ham fisted attempts to somehow get familiar, happy with and somehow halfway competent with a faction that I have never played in time for the pinnacle of the U.K. open tournament scene.

Wish me luck?


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