A mind is a wondrous thing, it is also an absolute dickhead

So it is fair to say I am currently here:

Or possibly here:

Or maybe here:

Look you get the idea.

I have a longstanding love affair with Bayou. But it is not an easy relationship. In fact it could even be termed as abusive.  

When I started playing Malifaux in 2014ish (I think) the end times was playing out in warhammer fantasy battle and on a weekend away down in Essex a friend played a game between the Perdita & Seamus core boxes and I had absolutely no idea what was going on.  Whilst I had always loved me some WHFB the sheer number of models I had to transport around in those post Battle for Skull Pass days was so daunting. But here was a game where I needed a fraction of the minis and it had this weird dynamic scenario system that I in no way understood.

I bought the book and immediately gravitated towards Bayou because love of comedy greenskins is of course universal. I wanted the Brewmaster box but that wasn’t out yet so I picked up Somer and suuuuuuucked with him. Like just terribly. I did not get his summoning mechanics at all in M2E and I think I won like 1 game with Somer in the whole of M2E. Brewie eventually came out and I sucked powerfully with him too, I remember very distinctly a game Vs Jamie Varney with Jamie using Collodi and he absolutely wrecked me. Now that’s not necessarily a Brewmaster thing of course, that’s far more likely to be JFV thing. 

So I stopped playing Bayou and started playing Resserectionists and I started winning. Nicodem mainly, later joined by McMourning and then later a triumvirate completed by Reva.  I dabbled in some Guild, as this blog originally documented, and then some Dreamer along with which came placing 2nd at a few tournaments. Proof if any was needed that M2E Dreamer was broken as hell 🤣.

But every now and then I would creep back to Bayou but the results would always be the same. GG, a handshake and a loss. Then of course there was that very short period where I worked out a way of one shotting most models in the game with Zoraida and it was briefly competitive and people complained at tournaments she was broken which was hilarious.

My journey in M3E so far feels very very similar. GG, a handshake and a loss. Or is it? Because we have the app now and in fact my record with Bayou is 6-6-4, so middling at best but I’m not sure it’s any worse than any other of my records with any other factions, but it feels much worse and I’m curious why that is?

Do I just want more from Bayou? Do I just have bigger expectations for Bayou than I do for other factions? Do other factions not exert the same level of engagement as others therefore the losses don’t matter as much?

I am very much enjoying playing Hamelin at the moment (I mean it’s a horde keyword with throw away 2ss models, what’s not to love) but naturally the Bayou always comes a calling, because it always does and I’ll probably play them, and do badly, and I’ll wander off and play a different faction. Again. 


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