Day 3: Witchling Stalkers

 Day 3: Witchling Stalkers

Utterly iconic in my opinion.  Love these little guys, or at least how they look.

No Love for Witchlings looks situationally useful (and situational is not a dirty word round here).  I'd like it if it was "ignore all negatives when targeting..." etc as that just seems to be the way things are now, but that's power creep for you.

Is Unimpeded the best thing on the card? probably.  Wish these had Rite of Sacrifice like Blood Vessels do. That said condition clearance on a cheap model is golden in my opinion..

Whilst I'm wish listing I would really like them to have something like Deadly Pursuit but only vs Soulstone users.  These formers magic users are supposed to be sniffing out mages, lets have something representing that on the card please?


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