Day 4:Witchling Thralls

Right then, big lads.

Stats are as ever 5s like the rest of the keyword but their defensive trigger is at least built in and has some potential synergy with Sonnia2s Enrage the Mage. I am highly sceptical at how often this will actually happen but I am willing to put the big lads on the table to find out. Hard to wound is at least some defensive tech which is a very pleasant change compared to the rest of the keyword, but a min 3 beater will still chew through them quick enough. Big fan of the demise and having a Ruthless model is always welcome.

A 2/4/6 dmg track is very nice, especially at stat 6 and even more so with crit strike built in making it in reality 3/5/7, which will leave a solid hole.  The other triggers are solid though and situationally useful but strike me as most likely taking a back seat to more damage.  Guild do Guild things.

Aetheric blast needs to do burning as standard for my money, but as ever this is Guild and sometimes you have a gun.  I’m not going to turn my nose up at it I’m just not going to reach for it often. 

Absorb the Flame has the potential to keep them alive that one more turn which can be the difference between scoring VP or not but consuming burning feels a high price and this not being a fast action stings. Not having a fast action on an 8ss model seems silly, feels like this model is 8ss because Sonnia1 can summon it, but of course Sonnia2 can't.

They’re going on the table, preferably as a summon, but they’ll be on the table for sure.  The Witch Hunters combat fatty will hopefully be punching fools sooner rather than later. Now if everyone could
stop shooting them as they waddle across the table please?



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