Day 9: Hexbows
I'll start with what I don't like. I don't like the models. Two of the three poses are very similar. They're both quite busy and a bit simple (an impressive combination) and mine arrived all bent out of shape. Some time with a hairdryer mostly resolved, but I would have preferred a sprue kit.
That minor complaint of the way, the stats are above average for the keyword given they have a Wp of 6. They lack either of the Witch Hunter Keyword abilities but that's fine as Counterspell is hopefully a thing that's never relevant as you don't want to be that close to the enemy. Not when you can puhtwang them from afar. Being duel keyword models they share the Cavaliers Heat of Battle, meaning that with a little bit of setup you're getting 3 shots off a turn with them for the cost of a card. Just like Sammy H, yes it does take a little bit more setup than rapid fire and I have found it easier to setup in Cavalier with the Kings Wall about but it is a very viable option.
On their card alone the Hex Bow ignores both Friendly Fire and Incorporeal, again making them better than Samael (imo, this is a blog, it's all my opinion to be fair) they have the same range, the same dmg track, more triggers, a way to get either Tull or Sonnia to take an extra shot. Sam being a Henchy of course can stone for suits back thanks to Ruined Quiver Hex Bows have a way of forcing a suit should they need to or can just make your opponent discard a card. Just Glorious. Yes I know Samael is more versatile, and can flex between sturdy scheme runner and gun turret: but gun for gun I would rather take a Hex Bow at this stage I think. Also all their shots can be blasts if you want? I do, I do want that. Especially given perhaps their most important trigger suit is baked in to spread Burning to any model caught in the blast, bringing Sonnia online and giving a massive Eye of Sauron style double take as she can suddenly see all those people lurking behind walls and bushes.
Finally on abilities and actions on their card, Run and gun not only gives action economy that Samael lacks (look I'm sorry to keep flogging a dead horse but he is just a bad model) but it also combos with Target Practice for some seriously long range scheme marker removal that has the potential to be utterly backbreaking. It's very weird for a charge to result in a tactical action, but it's right there on the card. First time this was used against me I was deeply unimpressed but that's my fault not the cards. It's there, use it to deny schemes. Especially as it's not once per activation, you can really ruin the likes of ensnare and....well any scheme requiring a marker to be frank.
Lastly, I would be a little bit remiss if I didn't mention Expert Marksmen at this point, as this upgrade combos beautifully with the Hex Bow. There is some redundancy as you just get Friendly Fire again, but it is still worth it in some match ups. Sharpshooter means the Hex Bow is ignoring Friendly Fire, Incorporeal, Cover and Concealment. And then with the built in Tome on the attack you also ignore armour on both the initial shot and. The. Blast. All of the above coupled with being able to put out 3 shots a turn makes Hex Bows potentially devastating into crew that rely heavily on defences like all the ones listed. I played into a friends Foundry crew and the Hex Bow was the absolute MVP.Yes they are good. Very good in fact, and are an absolute powerhouse of the keyword, but they kind of need to be I thnk? I can't imagine playing Witch Hunters before these folks were released. Naturally there are calls for nerfs on some corners of the internet (when isn't that true, If you look hard enough you can probably find a blog post saying Leviticus is made of Dairy milk chocolate, everything exists online). Honestly I think they're strong but fair, their lack of any real defensive tech and engagement zone is a huge negative.
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