Day 12: Pale Rider

I'm not going to go line by line on this one, you know what this model does.  Rather I want to focus on what it does for Sonnia specifically.

Firstly, this is not a fast Keyword, but it is reasonably killy.  Having a Mv7 Unimpeded model opens up a lot of schemes that may not otherwise be viable.  You're not getting a hired Witchling Thrall in to your opponents deployment zone for the 2nd VP of In Your Face, at least not with any regularity.  And you're not getting Hopkins there because he's not in your crew or on the table. But you absolutely can get the Pale Rider there. Equally he's fast enough to get into the corners for Power Ritual, Protected Territory etc.  Some think of it as a waste to use him to drop scheme markers, but if they win you game then he was absolutely the right model to use.  I've said elsewhere on this blog that there is nothing more broken than VP and I stand by that.  Taxi'ing Sonnia about in those first couple of turns is incredibly useful.  She's slow, he moves her.  It's not any trickier than that.

For SSM (Sonnia Sans Mask, remember?) handing out Staggered pairs very nicely with her Burn Them Out attack and of course Revel In Conflict is going to set a whole bunch of people on fire.  Fire good. Last but not least, Hatred Unleashed with make friendly models Charge and Charges are pushes. So Enraged by The Mage will trigger for one of them meaning somebody should be getting two attacks off this, which is nice. 

I'm sure many corners of the internet will tell you that the Pale Rider is an auto-take, i'm not so sure.  Mainly because Malifaux is not a game of absolutes.  That said I will be taking him a lot.  Frequently. Often. Nearly all the time.  And as last year's Black Friday sale gave us a sweet new alt-sculpt where it is dripped in fire, aesthetically it will fit right in. 


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