Witch Hunter Month

Time to resurrect a very old blog.

8 years ago I started this! Wow, my very first foray into content creation.  Remarkably, the password still works!

Anyway, on with the Guild content.

I have a tournament in June that I’m hosting at Dragons Lair here in Adelaide.

First event in Feb was a great success and I was thoroughly shamed by the fantastic paint jobs of all my opponents. And there was me with grey plastic! The shame.

I’ve decided I’m taking Guild in June, I bought a good friends in the UKs Guild models back in November and I miss playing with them. So if I can’t play with them, I’ll play with the models they sold me instead.

So my plan is for each month leading up to the tournament in June to focus on a different keyword both in terms of gaming and painting.

It’s March, and I’m declaring it Witch Hunter month! 

I’ll be playing Sonnia into Ulix this week over at Beardminis and every game in March whilst painting up her crew as I go!

I need a better outro.


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