Day 17: Guild Mage

Obviously these folks took a bit of a hit recently, but personally I am still a big fan.

Also, great sculpts.  nothing wrong with these at all! preassembled minis can be just fine.  Is it my favourite model ever? absolutely not. But equally I don't completely loathe it like I do S2.

I’ve mainly made use of these in Elite, the discard mechanic pairs really nicely with Intimidating Authority especially on Alan Reid. To the point where I really missed it when trying to play Lucius in Neverborn at a recent tournament. I gave up on the end and just played Pandora, because I am some kind of hideous NPE.  

They pair very nicely with Witch Hunter, even to go so far as to share both Arcane Shield and Counterspell as front of card abilities so they fit right in and very familiar which is nice.  

On top of that they bring ways of moving the enemy around so you can shift them out of scoring positions or into pyre markers, and they can turn any marker into scheme markers for the cost of a card and no flip (which heals them too!) all in all is pretty useful stuff. I’m not going to hire them every single time but certainly when I have taken them I’ve not been disappointed. 

They’ve also got a couple of very handy triggers in the form of Drain magic, which is actually on a whopping 8 models in keyword so if the stars align to can actually devastate an opponents hand, and transmutation meaning you can turn burning into focus should you so wish.

They’re about as close to being a Witch Hunter as it’s possible to be without actually having Witch Hunter written on the card.  Have one in your bag.


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