Day 7: Spelleaters

I don’t know what to make of these.  At all.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m a big fan of these when I play Cadmus. We are Legion can be super impactful, especially when the parasite tokens are floating around but in Witch Hunter I think this rule is best ignored. It’ll only ever be relevant if you’ve got two of these and at 7ss they’re in direct competition with Hex Bows. 

They are in principle, ranged damage dealers and come into their own against models that rely on triggers for defence thanks to Redirect Magic. If you declare Pandora or Von Schtook, I would probably give these a run out as stripping away those defensive triggers looks interesting.

Elemental Backlash also looks like it has legs in concert with Counterspell but the positional requirement does make me worry about them as they’re not the sturdiest.

The melee is at least a melee attack, they have an engagement which Hex Bows lack. I’ve had a lot a fun with Transmutation in Cadmus and having it as an option certainly is nice especially as it’s only min1 and does not say enemy on it so there is the potential to hit your friends and remove conditions you don’t want and turn it into one you do. Not a bad return for 1 dmg and a low tome.

Elemental Blast is a perfectly respectable attack, it’s not the Hex Bows attack and nor does it have its triggers (love that mask) but given you’re gaming suits from your opponents flip you’ve a pretty good chance of getting what you want. Both Blaze and Drain Magic are great triggers in this crew, especially if you’re within 6” to stack more burning on your target. It is a perfectly good attack.

Down to the last drop. This to me is where the Spelleater has the potential to be impactful. This is the attack that has the most impact in Cadmus, but does it have the same impact in Witch Hunter? And I’m not sure it does.  Principally because I don’t think you’re going to get the same scrum in Witch Hunter and I also don’t think you’re going to get the same scrums in GG3 so you’re going to catch one, maybe two enemy models with it?

Like the rest of Witch Hunter what isn’t on the card is movement, and that is something that would really help set them apart from the rest of keyword but as it stands I think they get lost a little in the pack. I’ve loved using these in Cadmus in GG3 due to their catchers mitt playstyle and the heavy brawl nature of GG3 but I’m just not sure what they bring both in Witch Hunter or in GG4. I’ll give them a run out and report back.

*update*  It’s been pointed out to me that these became quite survivable with a lead lined coat as once in place they’ll sit on shielded3. Which is very nice indeed, may have to give that a run out.


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