Day 5: Purifying Flame
I love how the idea of painting and writing about a model a day has resulted in me painting 8 so far!
Purifying Flame, it's a free model and GG4 is less likely to have you not take your totems than GG3, unless you're seeking to not put 8+ cost models on the board to restrict In Your Face targets that is. In short there is absolutely no reason not to take this one.
Stats are what you would expect of a 2ss model really, so whilst they're not great that's fine and you've got some defensive tech in Incorporeal which is an unexpected bonus.
Fiery Presence is decent for Sonnia2 and more revelant now for Hot Rod, No Love for Witchlings I've expressed my thoughts on elsewhere, but it has just been power crept passed.
Hovering Flame is the most significant of the actions it can take and a 15" move on a significant, incorporeal totem is nothing to be sniffed at. Especially as it can be summoned back by Sonnia1 by Scorching pretty much anything.
Scheme runner? Charge lane blocker? Speed bump annoyance piece? There's a lot of uses for what is ostensibly a free model (arguably totems make up part of Masters power budget, but that's not the point i'm making here.). Ss for Ss probably one of the best models in the keyword? I look forward to trying out some tricks with this one.
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