Day 15: Rocketeer

Yes.  I missed a day.  I'm ok with this and you should be to.  Hobby is for fun.

I did not enjoy painting this model.  I don't know why.  Too busy perhaps?  Just a bit too much stuff happening for me, but that's ok! not every sculpt is gonna be a hit.

On to the actual card itself.  Whilst the Rocketeer may have Cavalier written on it as a keyword it is in fact secretly a Witch Hunter. Sonnia has her agents everywhere after all.  It sets the enemy on fire and everything!  Is it tenuous? yes.  Am I sticking with it? also yes.  The Rocketeer is one of those models that just makes stuff possible and I am a big fan of them.  8ss (ook) gets you a Mv6 flying model with armour that if you've planned ahead well you can get an extra ap out of for the cost of a card. Lovely.  All those things are good. 

Up we go is a great attack no matter who has it.  3" place, perfectly fine damage track, and no need to worry about pesky resistance triggers as you're attacking Mv and most folk don't have them there. 

Ignote Fumes.  It has a blast on every result and sets people on fire! Also go and look at that Incendiary Grenade trigger and tell me that's not amazing, because it is.  Double blast on every result for Burning 3.  BURNING THREE! The synergy here with Sonnia is pretty obvious by now. 

I've said often that this is Guild and we don't get leap so we have to improvise.  Well 1) that is a lie because we have one whole model with Leap in faction (more on her in May) and 2) this is the sort of thing I mean.  It isn't Leap, it's not a place, and you can't leave combat with it but it will have to do and honesty it's pretty damn useful and it is movement as a fast action that has the potential to set people on fire, which you can't complain about.

Lastly, the other fast action Light it up can not only set people on fire but perhaps more importantly can remove any non-scheme marker. Scrap, corpse, underbrush, ice pillar, shadow begone!

Everything here is good. Everything.  Absolutely phenomenal model that brings a level of scheming to the Witch hunters that they just do not have access to normally but critically retain a high level of synergy with the Witch Hunter keyword.  Handlers can still push them about, Spell Eaters can target them for down to the last drop, it's all good. 


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